About Us

Tianjin Gerotor Auto parts Co. ltd
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Use Gear and Rotor drive the engine, and let you drive the life to be more better.
Tianjin Gerotor Auto parts Co. ltd provide oil pump,fuel pump,feed pump,hydraulic motor and pump , power steering pump,and also some diesel parts and electrical rotating parts.
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  • Work Shop
  • Multiple Shop
  • Wholesales
  • Distributor
  • Manufacturing Factory
  • Rebuild Factory
  • Other
  • oil pump
  • fuel pump
  • feed pump
  • hydraulic motor and pump
  • power steering pump
  • diesel parts
  • alternator
  • Other
  • Passengers car
  • Commercial Vehicle
  • Industrial
  • Construction Machinery
  • Engine
  • Tractor
  • Agriculture
  • Other
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